Thursday, December 25, 2008

alright peeps just a thought. We're # 33 on the playlist on Whether you like us or not, please go in and vote so we can make the top 20. note: vote as many times as it gives you options when you click the band name. It would be rad dad. Merry Post Christmas Ya'all. Look for eagles wings/Sons of thunder.Are you excited yet?Just click on Fan Faves and find us.

Guess what, i just figured out that people can leave comments, which is way cool.the only problem is I accepted some and don't know how to delete them. So... for those of you that want to know the real side of My bro and sis, read their comments. They are unbelievable. But anyway, I digress. Merry to Christmas with everyone in mind. My wife is unstinken believable because she scanned all me music and saved it on a flashdrive so I can take it wherever I go. For all of you who are married, feel sorry that you missed out on the perfect wife. For those that aren't yet, it just sets the bar really high. Merry Christmas all

Sunday, December 21, 2008

By the way, I'd like to thank my Bro and Sis for setting this whole thing up. I'm gonna be the best blogger in the world, and I will update it for you as long as I remember my password. (this picture is not my bro and sis, it's me and the miss.)

Just want to know who made up the word blogger anyway. It sounds like a word you would mistakenly mishear somebody talking about a runner but the person was talking with crackers in his/her mouth. Ex.- "boy, he's a really fast b.j.lo...gger..r..r"Anyway, this is my cutes graduating I think from college. She's great. But more importantly, I look like a pilot.

This is me Bodacious babe

i just found some hot pictures. Me and the old lady with long hair. Bro or I with our new face

that's all for now

I don't really know how to do anything else so I will finish with this. finish
this is official sons of thunder website

and then find us at indieheaven and vote for us on indieheaven.